King Diamond Conspiracy (Promo Copy)

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  • Album Title: Conspiracy (Promo Copy)
  • Artist: King Diamond
  • Pressing: Promotional copy
  • Label: Roadrunner Records
  • Cat ID: RR 9461-1
  • Released: 1989
  • Country: US
  • Format: Vinyl, LP, Album

Distribution in the U.S. and Canada by MCA Distribution Corp. Made in U.S.A. Inner sleeve with lyrics, credits etc. Insert drawing by Thomas Holm (which is the original withdrawn cover). " The album "Conspiracy" is a continuation of the story told on the album "Them". Once back inside the old house "AMON", King watched his Grandmother vanish by the words: "I bet You're dying for a cup of tea." Not a trace did she leave behind. Nobody was to be found upstairs either. The cellar was empty. The entire house was empty. Only memories of long gone friends were buried on the thick dust that now covered the house. It had been 18 years since King was last in this house, waiting in his Mother's bedroom, to be taken away by Dr. Landau and the police. He spent 9 years in an asylum trying to get his mind back to normal, under the supervision of Dr. Landau. Then, finally released, he spent another 9 years in absolute solitude at a place unknown to us (lie). During this time, he never saw his Mother. Now, 2 weeks have passed since King returned to the old house, wich is actually his according to his Grandmother's will, and we think it is time for him to contact us again."


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