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Arion, Lord of Atlantis #  9 Vol. 2 FN+ (6.5)
Arion, Lord of Atlantis #  3 Vol. 2 FN (6.0)
Rom # 22 GD (2.0)
West Coast Avengers #  4 FN+ (6.5)
West Coast Avengers #  2 FN+ (6.5)
Tales of Asgard #  1 Newsstand Vol. 2 FN/VF (7.0)
Marvel Premiere # 61 Newsstand VG/FN (5.0)
Incredible Hulk #297  Newsstand FN (6.0)
Fury of Firestorm # 28 FN (6.0)
Fury of Firestorm #  4 FN/VF (7.0)
Fury of Firestorm #  5 FN (6.0)
Aquaman # 62  Vol. 12 VG (4.0)
Incredible Hulk Annual # 13 Newsstand FN- (5.5)
Incredible Hulk Annual # 12 Newsstand FN (6.0)
Doctor Who #  3  FN+ (6.5)
Alien Legion #  2  FN/VF (7.0)
Warp #  1  VF (8.0)
American Flagg! # 11  VF (8.0)
American Flagg! # 10  VF+ (8.5)
Fury of Firestorm #  3 GD/VG (3.0)
X-Factor #  8 VF+ (8.5)
New Mutants #  5 VF- (7.5)
Starriors #  2 Newsstand FN/VF (7.0)
Kull the Conqueror #  5 Vol. 3 VF (8.0)
Ka-Zar the Savage # 15  VG/FN (5.0)
Ka-Zar the Savage # 13  VF- (7.5)
Ka-Zar the Savage # 12  VF+ (8.5)
Ka-Zar the Savage # 11  VG/FN (5.0)
Ka-Zar the Savage # 10  NM- (9.2)
Micronauts # 55  VG- (3.5)
Edge of Chaos #  3  FN/VF (7.0)
Thriller #  1  GD- (1.8)
Arion, Lord of Atlantis #  9 Vol. 2 VG (4.0)
Arion, Lord of Atlantis #  4 Vol. 2 VG (4.0)
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