Silver Age of Comics (1956-1969)


The Comic Code Authority (CCA), Space Race, and revitalized superheroes typified the comic book industry well into the 1960s. Shortly after, a couple guys by the name of Stan and Jack would change the comic book industry forever.

The crusade against the corrupting influence of comics gave rise to the CCA in 1954, an organization by which the industry would save itself via self-censorship. Mature themes, depiction of violence and gore or suggestions thereof were replaced by stories intended as entertainment for children and that followed moral codes. This is the era that gave us the campy Batman TV series where the caped crusader is portrayed in a tongue-in-cheek fashion and put in famously absurd situations.

While DC found success in revitalizing its flagship superheroes like Flash (Showcase #4) and Green Lantern (Showcase #22), around the corner at Marvel, Stan Lee and Jack Kirby were creating a fresh new universe where superheroes bickered, were unable to cope with their powers and misunderstood by the public - just right for an angsty teen audience. And it all began with Fantastic Four #1 in 1961. Following that, we were given Spidey, Hulk, X-Men, Thor, Iron ManDr. Strange, the Wasp, and so many other rich characters beloved until this day.  Read more... 

Many accept the end of the Silver Age as when the price increased to 15 cents or when Kirby left Marvel and turned to DC in 1970. By that time, the stories had matured, taking on more relevant, real-world issues - a trend that would continue throughout the 1970s.

Amazing Spider-Man #  1 CBCS 1.5

Amazing Spider-Man # 1 CBCS 1.5


1st appearance of J. Jonah Jameson and the Chameleon. Spider-Man origin retold.

Amazing Spider-Man # 50 CGC 3.0

Amazing Spider-Man # 50 CGC 3.0


1st appearance of the Kingpin

Avengers #  1 CGC 2.0

Avengers # 1 CGC 2.0


1st appearance of the Avengers

Avengers #  6  CGC 7.0

Avengers # 6 CGC 7.0


First appearance of Baron Zemo

Avengers #  8 CGC 4.5

Avengers # 8 CGC 4.5


1st Appearance of Kang

Batman #164   VF- (7.5)

Batman #164 VF- (7.5)


First "New Look" era and first mystery analyst of Gotham City

Bugs Bunny # 50  VG (4.0)

Bugs Bunny # 50 VG (4.0)


Bugs using an elephant's trunk as a watering hose.

Captain Marvel # 13  FN/VF (7.0)
Classics Illustrated Special Issue #135A GD- (1.8)
Coverless Comics: Daredevil # 39
Coverless Comics: Magnus, Robot Fighter # 21
Coverless Comics: Tales to Astonish # 94
Four Color #753   GD/VG (3.0)
Journey into Mystery # 62  FR (1.0)
Journey into Mystery # 79  PR (0.5)

Journey into Mystery # 79 PR (0.5)


Missing back cover

Looney Tunes #191   VG/FN (5.0)
M.G.M.'s Mouse Musketeers # 10  VG+ (4.5)
New Terry Toons #  6  VG+ (4.5)
Porky Pig # 22  FN (6.0)
Porky Pig # 23  FN+ (6.5)
Porky Pig # 24  FN/VF (7.0)

Porky Pig # 24 FN/VF (7.0)


A book falls on Porky's head in a library and he runs outside to yell "Ouch!"

Secret Six #  2  VG (4.0)
Strange Tales #155   VG/FN (5.0)
Strange Tales #157   FN/VF (7.0)