Copper Age of Comics (1986-1992)
- Adventure
- Adventure; car
- Adventure; humor
- Adventure; science fiction
- Adventure; superhero
- Anthropomorphic
- Anthropomorphic-funny animals
- Anthropomorphic-funny animals; satire-parody
- Children; fantasy
- Crime
- Crime; superhero
- Fantasy
- Fantasy; science fiction; superhero
- Fantasy; superhero
- Fantasy; sword and sorcery
- Horror
- Horror-suspense
- Horror-suspense; military; science fiction
- Humor
- Humor; superhero
- Humor; sword and sorcery
- Music
- Satire
- Satire-parody
- Science fiction
- Science fiction; children
- Science fiction; superhero
- Spy
- Superhero
- Superhero; sword and sorcery
- Sword and sorcery
- War
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Comics: Publisher
- AC
- Caliber Press
- Comic Castle
- Comico
- Dark Horse
- DC
- Dimension Graphics
- Eagle Comics
- Eclipse
- Fantagraphics
- First
- Fishwrap Productions
- Gladstone
- Innovation
- Kitchen Sink Press
- Malibu
- Marvel
- Marvel UK
- Millennium Publications
- Mirage
- Now
- Renegade Press
- Revolutionary Comics
- Splitter
- Thunder Baas Press
- Trigon Comics
- Viz
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