Action Comics #600


Story 2: "Different Worlds"

Hermes summons Wonder Woman to Olympus from her romantic meeting with Superman, and the Man of Steel follows, but they arrive in different locations. After Hermes explains to Diana that Olympus has been taken over by Darkseid, the New God toys with the heroes, making them battle, as he discusses with Desaad his plans. When Superman and Wonder Woman find Darkseid and point out that he has conquered nothing as the Olympians abandoned their home, Darkseid sets off explosives throughout Olympus and leaves. But Olympus immediately regenerates and Wonder Woman and Superman return home as friends.

Story 4: "True Love"

Lois is upset that the papers are saying that Superman and Wonder Woman are dating. Clark, knowing the truth, shows up at Lois' to talk, but then disappears to answer his signal watch (shown in the "Friend in Need" story in Sequence 8).

Story 6: "Games People Play"

Lex threatens to reveal to the public that Maggie is a lesbian. Lex learns that he has kryptonite poisoning.

Story 8: "A Friend in Need"

Superman goes to Millersburg to answer Jimmy's signal watch, but weakens from kyptonite poisoning. Jimmy takes Superman to a cave and then goes for help.

Story 10: "The Dark Where Madness Lies"

Weakened by the kryptonite, Superman thinks Man-Bat is a monster and tries to destroy him. Once he comes to his senses, he sends Man-Bat for help.


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