What's New: Raw & Bargain Comic Books

Spawn-Batman  VF- (7.5)
Bongo Comics Free-for-All! #2016   NM- (9.2)

Bongo Comics Free-for-All! #2016 NM- (9.2)


The chief decides which vehicle to pull over.

Spawn #  8 NM- (9.2) Includes Frank Miller Poster
Spawn # 10 NM (9.4) (2 Copies)
Showcase # 96 NM- (9.2)
Wolverine & the X-Men Annual #  1  NM+ (9.6)
Ultimate Six #1 -7 NM+ (9.6)
Weapon X #1-3  NM+ (9.6)
Stormwatch #0,1-27 (New 52) NM+ (9.6)
Batman Black and White #  4  NM+ (9.6)
Batman Black and White #  3  NM (9.4)
Batman Black and White #  3  NM+ (9.6)
Batman and Robin #2-6, 10-15 Cover NM+ (9.6)
Villains United #1-6 First Printing NM+ (9.6)
Superman / Shazam: First Thunder #1-4  NM+ (9.6)
Extraordinary X-Men #1-7 NM+ (9.6)
The Boogins #2-5 Rare
I, Vampire: New 52 #0, 1-19 Full Run NM+ (9.6)
Joe Kubert Presents: New 52 #1-6  NM+ (9.6)
Huntress #1-6: New 52 (Full Run) NM+ (9.6)