The Amazing Spider-Man # 5
- Grade: CGC 6.5
- Page Quality: Cream / Off-White
- Serial #: 3781453001
- Series: The Amazing Spider-Man
- Issue: 5
- Publisher: Marvel
- Era: Silver Age
- Published Date: October 1963
- Cover: Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, Stan Goldberg, Artie Simek
- Writers: Stan Lee
- Pencil: Steve Ditko
- Ink: Steve Ditko
- Appearances: Spider-Man [Peter Parker], Dr. Doom [Victor Von Doom], J. Jonah Jameson, Betty Brant (first name revealed), Flash Thompson (last name revealed), Liz Allen (last name revealed as Allan), May Parker, Fantastic Four [Mr. Fantastic [Reed Richards], The Thing [Ben Grimm], Invisible Girl [Sue Storm], Human Torch [Johnny Storm]]
- Additional Notes: Regular Edition
"Marked for Destruction by Doctor Doom!"
1st Dr. Doom appearance outside Fantastic Four.
Dr. Doom tries to trick Spider-Man into helping him defeat the Fantastic Four. When Spider-Man turns him down, he decides to capture Spider-Man. Flash Thompson dresses up as Spider-Man for a prank and Dr. Doom mistakes him for the real Spider-Man and captures him instead, and Flash has to be saved by the real Spider-Man.
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