Walt Disney's Comics and Stories #544


Story 1: "The Tourist Trap"

Too broke for a vacation, Donald declares his house to be a resort hotel with a free stay for one-in-ten guests. As his bad luck would have it, when there are no other takers, Uncle Scrooge claims the promised free and peaceful week's stay - making the ordeal anything but "free and peaceful" for Donald. Can Donald drive Scrooge out... or will Scrooge drive Donald crazy?

Story 2: "A Wolf in Telegram's Clothing"

Zeke takes a job as a telegram delivery boy so that he can deliver Happy Birthday telegrams to Practical Pig - and nab him and his brothers.

Story 3: "The Wishing Well"

Having invented a real working wishing well for a customer, Gyro tests it by wishing himself to be in "a far-off tropical land" - and finds himself smack in the warring middle of a Latin American revolution. Only then does he realize that, unless a penny is dropped into the well, he cannot wish himself back home.

Story 4: "The Marvelous Mutt"

While camping in the woods with Mickey, Morty, Ferdie, and Pluto stumble upon two robbers in goblin masks heisting a logging camp's payroll.

Story 5: "Sausage Scramble"

When a string of sausages falls from a delivery truck, Scamp hopes to take them home as a treat for his family. However, a crow, a gopher, the dogcatcher; a big mean dog, and a colony of ants make his journey one of sausage-attrition.

Story 6: "The Pirates of Tabasco Bay Chapter Two]"

Taking the place of the mock pirates performing at the Tabasco Bay "Pirate Days Festival", Black Pete and his tramp-steamer crew plunder the town and its amused citizens and tourists. Only after Pete sails off with the loot do the victims realize the unfortunate truth. Meanwhile, Pete has Mickey and Goofy bound and gagged in the crow's nest of the restored pirate ship and has framed them as the leaders of the pirate gang. The pair try to make their escape, but not before the faux pirate ship, drifting in a dense fog, runs into Pete's tramp-steamer.

Story 7: "Swing Chariot"

Scrooge takes his doctor's advice... just not too seriously.

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