Comic Books

Aquaman # 59  Vol. 11 FN/VF (7.0)
Aquaman # 60  Vol. 12 VF- (7.5)
Aquaman # 61  Vol. 12 FN+ (6.5)
Aquaman # 62  Vol. 12 FN/VF (7.0)
Aquaman # 62  Vol. 12 VG (4.0)
Aquaman # 63  Vol. 12 VF+ (8.5)
Aquaman Special #  1 NM (9.4)
Aquaman Special #  1 NM- (9.2)
Araña: The Heart of the Spider #  5  VF+ (8.5)
Araña: The Heart of the Spider #  6  VF/NM (9.0)
Araña: The Heart of the Spider #  7  NM (9.4)
Araña: The Heart of the Spider #  8  NM- (9.2)
Araña: The Heart of the Spider #  9  VF/NM (9.0)
Araña: The Heart of the Spider # 10  VF (8.0)
Arion, Lord of Atlantis #  3 Vol. 2 FN (6.0)
Arion, Lord of Atlantis #  3 Vol. 2 VG (4.0)
Arion, Lord of Atlantis #  4 Vol. 2 VG (4.0)
Arion, Lord of Atlantis #  9 Vol. 2 FN+ (6.5)
Arion, Lord of Atlantis #  9 Vol. 2 VG (4.0)
Astounding Stories Vol 20 #2 (Oct.1937)
Atari Force #  1 VF- (7.5)
Avengers #  1 CGC 2.0

Avengers # 1 CGC 2.0


1st appearance of the Avengers

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