Green Lantern # 76

Classic Green Lantern / Green Arrow story begins.

  • Grade: CGC 9.0
  • Page Quality: White
  • Serial #: 0267713020

"No Evil Shall Escape My Sight!"

Green Arrow shows Green Lantern the plight of the people living in the tenements of slumlord Jubal Slade. But when the Guardians of the Universe observe GL roughing up Slade, they bring him to Oa and reprimand him. Against their orders GL returns to Earth and collects evidence to put Slade away. In response, the Guardians contact Green Lantern, but Green Arrow argues that there are serious problems across America that have escaped the attention of Green Lantern. The Guardians confer, and decide to send a representative to accompany the two heroes as they go on a journey of discovery.


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